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Monday, March 2, 2020

EPIC!!!! EPIC!!! EPIC!!!!! The Reign of a Queen

MARCH. 11. 2020

We are nine days away from Reign of a Queen and let me tell you this last book in the Fallen Angel Immortal Romance EPIC!!!!!

Here are some pictures, lifted from the give you a hint at the story. (all completely stolen from the internet) ...I don't see my characters as having such severely pointed ears though...:)

SPOILER!!! There is one scene that I have written that makes me cry...EVERY. SINGLE. TIME. (Even doing mundane things like editing...I cry) so yah, there's that.

Farrow and Rayelyyn

Farrow and his daughter Raven

Farrow's journey....

Naida and Anastasia

Drayden and the ultimate darkness....

Martu Mara

Drayden and Rayelynn

Drayden and Baltane

Farrow and Rayelynn

So....there you have it, just a snippet of stolen pictures from the internet that gives a glimpse of some of the story...

and NINE MORE DAYS..........

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Blood and Heaven: The Realms of Eschaton Book One had LAUNCHED on Kickstarter and FUNDED :) now the real fun begins

WE FUNDED! Now I can provide all of the fun extras and move towards the goal of getting an audiobook. I'm so excited about this journey....